Thursday, March 27, 2008

Today was day 2 out of 17 to make a difference.

Today I made a difference by making my mum and my nana a cup of tea because they were tired, and I could tell that they felt like a cup of tea. They thanked me and they told me that they really felt like a cup of tea which told me that I had made a difference. They also reacted by looking a lot less tired and run down.


Alan said...

Looks Great!!
I'm looking forward to seeing more!

Lea said...

Heya Lucy,

That was very nice your mum and your nana would have reallly appreciated it. Keep up the great work.

FRom Lea

Teresa said...

Hey Lucy,

Thanks for the comment on my page. Your blog is looking really good

Kenneth Cai said...

Nice one, keep it up.
Also, thanks for the comment on my blog.