Monday, March 31, 2008

Today was day 5 out of 17 to make a difference.

Today the kind gesture that I performed was picking up a whole lot of paper towels when they got blown all over the floor by the wind. I helped out our science teacher Mr Mc Kenzie. I know that I made a difference because Mr Mc Kenzie thanked me. Also when the wind blew the paper towels all over the floor, I started to pick them up but Mr Mc Kenzie didn't notice. He then asked me as I was picking the paper towels up if I could pick them up and then realised that I was already picking them up. Mr Mc Kenzie reacted to me making a difference by thanking me and looking thankful that I had done something to help him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Lucy,

Wow! That must've been a messy job! I'm sure Mr. Mckenzie felt quite thankful. Keep doing your good deeds!
