Tuesday, March 18, 2008

As part of our Inquiry unit, Room 9 from New Zealand has decided to put our topic on Citizenship into practice. We have the challenge of performing one kind deed for each day for 17 days, starting from the 27th of March, 2008. Follow us as we blog our Citizenship journey.

This is some work which we have done already for our study on citizenship.

On Thursday the 6th of March we brainstormed what makes a good citizen this is what we did...

WALT: Identify qualities of a good citizen

6-10 Phrases which make me a good citizen…

I am a good citizen because… I helpful and I am really caring towards others, as I hate to see someone upset. I am co-operative and I love to work as a team. I respect other people’s property and I respect myself. I encourage others to strive to achieve what they set out to do. I respect other people’s religions and beliefs and I listen to other people’s ideas when working in a group.

6-10 words that make me a good citizen… Caring Respectful Helpful Co-operative Encouraging Kind Considerate Courteous

This is the brainstorm...

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1 comment:

Cheyenne said...

Hi Lucy

I like your brainstorm! Your layout is cool too.
